In the beginning of the "Best youtube video?" it mentions MC paste. But what exactly is MC paste? Well, the "technical term" is Methyl Cellulose. This compound is used very widely in wallpaper paste. In fact, if you can't find the power form of Methyl Cellulose, the next best thing (if not better) is find a good brand of wallpaper paste that has this ingredient in it. There are a few different purpose for MC paste. The first thing its used for is to prepare the paper for an origami model. When you get more into the complex realm of origami, you'll need specialized paper to accommodate the multiple layers of folded paper. These papers are usually 30-40gsm (gsm: grams per square meter) and are extremely thin, which is necessary for any complex origami. However, when paper gets that thin, it becomes difficult to create clean lines and crisp folds. Have you ever tried folding tissue paper in half and then fold the paper on the same line in the opposite direction? Its difficult to do, and thats where the MC paste comes into play. MC paste, once applied, causes the paper to become more a little more rigid. This allows the paper to behave like "normal" paper but still maintain the same thickness (or thinness). This makes it much easier to fold the origami model but allows for much better looking models.
The second use for MC paste to preserve the origami model once you have completely folded it. May will argue that using MC paste to "preserve" the model is basically like using glue. Well...I'll listen to that argument once they are able to fold complex models. These kinds of arguments usually come from people who have never folded origami and have no understand of origami. With that said, I do understand their criticism and sometimes I even feel like I'm "cheating" too. But lets keep something in mind. MC paste is almost never used by "professional" origami-est. They generally have access to extremely high grade paper for a lower price and have the money to do it. As for me, I don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on professional grade paper. For that reason, MC paste is almost like a substitute for expensive paper for me.
Now, how does one use MC paste? Its fairly simple really. If you've gotten the premixed paste its as simple as taking a paint brush and applying it to the paper. For the powder form, all you need to do is mix the powder with water until you get a good consistency. What is a good consistency? It depends, its mostly just trial and error until you find a mix that you like. The most popular use for MC paste is creating "specialized paper". For homemade paper, the best solution is putting together 2 tissue paper together and applying the MC paste one side. Once that side has is done, you let it dry naturally which will take around 6 hours, to "dry". I would suggest letting it sit for a full 12 hours to completely dry out. After that, apply to the back side, let it dry again and then you're done! Here is a tutorial video for those who are interested. When I first started origami, I was hesitant using it but I finally gave in and I've enjoyed using it ever since.
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